Module 5: Identification and Management of Malnutrition

The Identification and Management of Malnutrition module consists of four units:


The identification and management of malnutrition module aims to facilitate learning of how to identify and manage infants and children with severe acute malnutrition. Designed based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on the management of severe acute malnutrition, it offers interactive, sceneario-based learning.

The module consists of two parts: 1) the University of Southampton and International Malnutrition Task Force Malnutrition eLearning 'Caring for infants and young children with severe malnutrition' (introduction to the module, and Units 1,2 and 3), and 2) case studies in Southeast Asia context (Unit4).

The following learning objectives will be met in this module:

  • To be able to differentiate chronic and acute malnutrtion.
  • To understand pathophysiological changes in malnutrition and implications for treatment.
  • To be able to assess and screen children for malnutrition and interpret the results for action.
  • To be able to manage malnourished children using the WHO Ten Steps.
  • To understand hospital compared with community-based management.
  • To support mothers and carers to prevent the recurrence of malnutrition.