The Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has awarded
the 2019 E-Learning Innovation Award to the ENeA SEA Project.
Heartiest congratulations to the UKM Team.

What is the ENeASEA project?
As an Erasmus+ Capacity-Building Project, ENeASEA develops innovative e-learning for practicing doctors in the field of early nutrition in Southeast Asia. EU, Thai and Malaysian partners comprised of universities/institutions and professional organizations in nutrition are jointly developing science-based education, tailored to the needs of the Southeast Asian region. Our goal is to offer the latest recommendations for everyday practice and maximise outreach to the wider healthcare community. (HCPs e.g. obstetricians, gynaecologists, paediatricians nurses, midwives, nutritionists and dietitians).
Despite encouraging economic development, considerable nutritional challenges continue to exist in Southeast Asia (SEA). Increasing rates of undernutrition and obesity result in a double burden of malnutrition. This is associated with a rapidly increasing burden of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and is a particular public health concern. Left unchecked, this leads to major adverse consequences for health, performance and productivity, as well as national and regional economic development.
Early nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy and early childhood (the first 1000 days of life after conception) are major modulating factors of long-term health, performance, and disease risks. Improving professional knowledge and practice is key in tackling the existing double burden of malnutrition. Every encounter a doctor has with their patient is a window of opportunity for positive change.
ENeASEA addresses this need by offering:
- a curriculum dedicated to the specific public health concerns and professional requirements in Southeast Asia
- targeted e-learning modules in English language
- Individualized training packages to specifically meet the user’s needs using an automated content matching processes (mass customization).
ENeASEA is designed for professional sub-specialisation and integration in pre- and post-graduate study programmes.
By working together we can improve health and wellbeing of all individuals!
If you are interested in incorporating our curriculum into your training programme or would like to collaborate on this or future projects contact the ENeA Project Office.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ documents of ENeA SEA project can be downloaded by clicking FAQ Document
Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project
ENeA SEA is funded by the European Union under Erasmus+ programme that supports projects in the field of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The project number is 573651-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
- For further details of Erasmus+ programme in general, please visit Erasmus+
- This project is based on Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2016, please visit the website for more details about the Call
- See all EU-documents for the implementation of the project in the Beneficiaries Space
- See the Program Guide Version 2 (2016)