Final Conference in Bangkok 2019
Final Conference in Bangkok
Hosted by Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand
Date: 26 - 28 September 2019
The 5th biannual and closing meeting saw Chulalongkorn University play host for the second time after hosting the first biannual meeting in 2017.
A number of achievements were celebrated at this meeting. It was initially meant to be the project conclusion meeting (more details on the extension below) and looking back project has seen a smooth journey and partner universities have indeed grown in capacity throughout the past three years. We also received news that the Erasmus management viewed the project favourably and supported a project extension application. Based on a review of the workpackages, most of the objectives were achieved and final reports are in the midst of being prepared.
Thus, the focus on this meeting was on making sure that the project used the 6 month extension well, in order to extend the reach and impact of the project. Plans were finalised to conduct more training classes, module user evaluation, technical troubleshooting, mass customization, translation into local languages and further dissemination to increase user numbers.