A number of outputs from the Project will be made avaliable for public.

1. SOPs in the form of handbooks.

- Handbook I: How to adapt existing eLearning Content to Country specific Needs (available here)

- Handbook II: how to create new eLearning modules and all neccessary elements, taking account of Country specific requirements

2. ENeA SEA Curriculum: graphically shown as a qualification tree

3. Learning Units (eLearning modules): freely available on the Internet after Registration to the platform (link to be provided once the platform is launched)

4. Training package: different combinations of eLearning modules, to form Training pakages for subspecialty qualification (to be provided in the Training Package option) 

5. Video showing how to use the ENeA SEA Moodle platform (user introduction), freely available even without Registration. (Video to be provided once the platform is launched)


Newsletter Winter 2016/17: DAAD Euroletter

Newsletter Summer 2017: Early Nutrition eAcademy

Newsletter Winter 2018: Early Nutrition eAcademy Southeast Asia

Newsletter Winter 2019: Early Nutrition eAcademy

Publications from Consortium Partners

Brands, Brigitte & Chomtho, Sirinuch & Suthutvoravut, Umaporn & Boey, Christopher & Tang, Swee & Godfrey, Keith & Koletzko, Berthold & Group, for. (2020). Early Nutrition eAcademy Southeast Asia e-Learning for Enhancing Knowledge on Nutrition during the First 1000 Days of Life. Nutrients. 12. 1817. 10.3390/nu12061817.

July 2018 by LMU: Public Relations Report (Dissemination and Exploitation Activities) submitted to European Commission for EU Midterm Report

Gutu-Robu, Gabriel, Trausan-Matu, Stefan, Dascalu, Mihai, Carabas, Mihai, Elisei, Alexandru, Nistor, Nicolae, Choi, Sunhea, Spoerl, Rebecca and Koletzko, Berthold (2018) Curricula customization with the readerbench Framework. Roceanu, Ion, Beligan, Daniel, Ciolan, Lucian and Stefan, Ioana (eds.) In eLearning challenges and new horizons: Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education". National Defence University Publishing House. pp. 385-392. doi:10.12753/2066-026X-18-123

Oct 2017 by CU: Nutrition in the first 1,000 days of life, p.9

Nistor N. et al. (2017) Mass Customization in Continuing Medical Education: Automated Extraction of E-Learning Topics. In: Lavoué É., Drachsler H., Verbert K., Broisin J., Pérez-Sanagustín M. (eds) Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education. EC-TEL 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10474. Springer, Cham, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66610-5_66