Project Structure
The ENeA SEA project is structured into seven Workpackages (WPs), comprising a Preparation WP, three Development WPs, closely interlinked to each other, and WPs on Quality, Dissemination/Exploitation and Management.
WP1 (Preparation) will evaluate the current situation of educational needs of and offers to AHPs and determine the goals to be achieved in the partner countries Thailand and Malaysia. A detailed needs assessment is a prerequisite for effective and efficient qualification and education programmes for Thai and Malaysian AHPs who advise their clients in the area of early nutrition and lifestyle. This includes the in-depth analysis of the Thai and Malaysian Health Care Sector, the settings on conditions of daily practice, the state of knowledge and its application, and existing gaps, as well as the CME and CPD systems. Methodologies used here are internet search, explorative open and closed questionnaire surveys, and their quantitative and qualitative analysis.
WP2 (Development I) will use e-learning modules and formats that currently exist in ENeAGlobal and the UoS malnutrition programme as the basis for the development of new modules adapted to the specific needs identified in WP1. Activities in this WP include the generation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Handbooks to serve as guidance material to junior staff at partner universities who will be trained how to adapt contents and formats and newly create e-learning modules taking into account local settings and target group needs. Moreover, In WP 4 (Development III), a training course series I will be designed and implemented on-site at partner institutions to deepen their skills. A final summer school ending this training phase will serve as a feedback platform to discuss lessons learned, optimize the SOPs and Handbooks and to prepare participants for the succeeding training course series II (see WP3).
WP3 (Development II) will comprise the design of a curriculum (collection of topics in the area of early nutrition and lifestyle) combining a bottom-up approach (contents suggested from the detailed needs assessment undertaken with doctors in practice) and a top-down approach (contents that a qualification programme for AHPs in this sub-specialty should contain as suggested by experts in the field and governing bodies). This process serves to determine the topics and contents for additional, new e-learning modules to be generated by the consortium. In WP4 (Development III), a dedicated training course series II will be designed and implemented on-site at partner institutions to teach how to generate new e-learning modules. Corresponding SOPs and a handbook (developed in WP2) will be used to support the training courses. A final summer school will serve to discuss and optimize processes and guidance material, and to deepen the acquired skills and knowledge. Junior staff at partner institutions will then be able to design and create e-learning modules themselves. Moreover, they will have become experts on the specific topics the e-learning modules are about.
WP4 (Development III) comprises the development and implementation of training course series I and II (to guide the staff training processes in WP2 and 3), and the design and implementation of teaching classes for practicing AHPs as the final target group of ENeASEA. Previously trained staff at partner universities will become these teachers, bringing expert knowledge to AHPs and teaching them on how to best use ENeASEA e-learning platform. Wherever possible, participants in those teaching classes will be practicing AHPs holding a multiplier function, e.g. as education officer being responsible for the in-house qualification programmes of employees at hospitals, or as programme planners/coordinators of pre-graduate education.
WP 5 (Quality Plan) will comprise detailed activities of evaluation as described in section F4. WP 6 (Dissemination and Exploitation) and WP7 (Management) complement the project general setup.