The University of Southampton is a member of the Russell Group of 20 leading universities in the United Kingdom. The University has made substantial long-term investment in nutrition research aimed at identifying the mechanisms linking development with lifelong health, including construction of the £9m Institute of Developmental Sciences (providing facilities for epigenetic and molecular biology, stem cell and embryo and nutritional science). It is also home to the £9.7m National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Centre in Nutrition (conducting translational research on how nutrition can improve health across the lifecourse) and the £15m Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit (recently ranked as world leading in its quinquennial review by the Medical Research Council). The University has played a leading role in the epidemiological work demonstrating that nutrition and development in foetal and early life have a major influence on the risk of chronic disease in later life; the University’s Faculty of Medicine is acknowledged internationally as home of this concept. Since the initial observations, the University has sustained its track record in this area, with high ranking in the Research Excellence Framework, and in excess of £40m research income annually.
The Faculty of Medicine has a multidisciplinary eLearning team who works extensively in technology enhanced health education internationally. Examples of their collaborative projects are Virtual Patients with Australian and Swedish Universities, nutrition and malnutrition eLearning with UK, African and Central American Universities and Hospitals. This strong research base has enabled the Faculty to develop a successful interactive multimedia nutrition eLearning portal.
It includes solutions that apply an evidence-based approach to nutrition learning and that provide healthcare professionals with standardised and accessible training on the management of children with severe malnutrition outlined in the WHO's guidelines. Through its MSc in Public Health it also provides a programme in all aspects of public health with optional pathways specialising in nutrition, intelligence (working with information), management and global health.
Role in the Project
Lead investigators from the University of Southampton will utilise their expertise in nutrition, eLearning research and capacity building to make a substantial contribution to leading three broad aspects of the project:
- activities associated with needs assessment, curriculum development and expert review of revised existing/new modules, along with social media engagement (Godfrey)
- development/facilitation of training activities, together with project management (Calder)
- development/evaluation of standardised operating protocols (SOPs), together with instructional design and expert input/review for new module writing and existing module adaptation (e.g. Southampton malnutrition module) (Choi).
Through these activities the University will facilitate capacity building of SEA partner authors in e-learning module adaptation and creation, and provide expert knowledge in topic selection for the curriculum. In partnership with LMU, we will lead and facilitate training programmes for SEA authors and support SOP development for e-learning module creation. We will also contribute to the evaluation study and dissemination activities.
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Prof. Philip Calder is an international authority on how nutrition can regulate cell and tissue function and through these effects influence health, disease risk and clinical outcome. He is Deputy Director of the Human Development and Health Academic Unit within the Faculty of Medicine and an Area Lead within the National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Centre in Nutrition. He has long experience of nutrition teaching and training and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Prof. Keith Godfrey is a clinician and epidemiologist and an international authority on nutrition in early life. He is Director of the National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Centre in Nutrition and leads Theme 2 “Observational studies of determinants in contemporary cohorts” in the €11.1m FP7 EarlyNutrition project.
Dr. Sunhea Choi is a Global eHealth Education Lead within Medicine at the University of Southampton. She has led the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine eLearning since 2005. She founded the Faculty eLearning team and has led many innovative eLearning projects. Her current projects include a UK Department for International Development funded nutrition intervention evaluation research “Effectiveness and efficacy of Malnutrition eLearning for global capacity building” in collaboration with institutions in Africa and Central America; and British Council Researchers Link Follow-Up Activities between Moroccan and UK institutions, funded after successful delivery of Researchers Link bilateral workshop on Scaling Up Nutrition in Morocco. As a member of South Sudan Juba Consortium, led by Oxford University and Royal Colleges, she contributes to the development of undergraduate and postgraduate medical curricula and their delivery. She has significant experience of and expertise in creating and delivering innovative eLearning solutions for medical and nutrition education and is a member of Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning Expert Group.
The University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), the largest technical university in Romania, having over 22.000 students is a full member in several academic organisations, like the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER), International Association of Universities (IAU), European University Association (EUA), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), etc. UPB paid a special attention also to bilateral cooperation agreements (around 200 accords in 2010) with similar universities, mainly from Europe, Japan, or the United States of America. It participates in many scholarly EUROPEAN programs such as LIFELONG LEARNING (ERASMUS or LEONARDO).
More than 2.000 students are enrolled in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. The department also runs the National Center for Information Technology (NCIT), which has 18 full professors and over 40 researchers and PhD students. The mission of NCIT is to promote advanced and inter-disciplinary research, to sustain the development of human resources in postgraduate educational programs. NCIT’s activity relies on a collaborative virtual environment using high-performance computing resources and computer-supported cooperative work tools. NCIT is actively involved in international cooperation with similar centers, partnerships with IT companies and development of national and international projects (for example, EU funded projects ERASMUS-MUNDUS: DMKM; H2020: RAGE; FP7: ERRIC, LTfLL, EU-NCIT, COOPER; EUREKA: IKF, etc.). The UPB group has a broad research experience in e-Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Learning Analytics, Natural Language Processing, and Discourse Analysis.
Role in the Project
The UPB group has a broad research experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP), discourse analysis (DA) and learning analytics (LA), as well as Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), marking the inter-disciplinary orientation of the ongoing researches.
All the previous domains are directly linked with the scope of project ENeASEA and the group’s expertise is especially required for the successful development of the software tool required in WP1, WP3 and WP5. The ultimate application of this tool will enable a semantic personalization of the curricula presented to learners based on an in-depth discourse analysis.
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Prof. Stefan Trausan-Matu is a full professor of Computer Science at UPB and a principal investigator at the Romanian Academy Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He received his M.Sc. (1983) and PhD degree (1994) at the CS Department of UPB. He was a Fulbright Post-doc Scholar at Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA in 2005 and visiting professor at Nantes University (2003 and 2007), Lyon (2008), Toulouse (2009), and Grenoble (2015) in France. He was the head of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Institute of Informatics in Bucharest and deputy director of the Romanian Academy Institute for Artificial Intelligence. His research interests are: e-Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Discourse Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Text and Opinion Mining, Collaborative Knowledge Construction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Human-Computer Interaction, Philosophy of Science and Science-Religion Dialogue. Prof. Dr. Trausan-Matu has coordinated several international research projects from the perspective of a Romanian partner (FP7 LTfLL, SkyNurse, Inf3S, EUREKA IKF, FP6 LarFLaST, PEKADS, etc.) and participated in many others (H2020 RAGE, FP7 ERRIC, FP7 COOPER, NSF Virtual Math Teams, FP7 EU-NCIT, BalkaNet, Poirot, PAIL, etc.). He has published more than 300 papers, many of them at top international journals and conferences (IJCAI, ITS, AIED, CSCL, ICALT, CICLING, EC-TEL, ICWL, etc.) and journals (Spriger ijCSCL, Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior), has written or edited 19 books and contributed with chapters to other 40. He is a member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and vice-president of the Romanian ACM SIGCHI. He was awarded the Romanian Academy Prize for the Polyphonic Model. Prof. Trausan-Matu designed, implemented or conducted the implementation of several e-learning systems and environments in European and Romanian projects: Intelligent Tutoring Systems in the EU project LarFLaST, EUREKA Information and Knowledge Fusion (ITS), Romanian Academy ITS, National INFOSOC Project SINTEC; CSCL environments in the EU FP7 Language Technology for Life-Long Learning (LTfLL), National Project Polyphony. He also conducted 9 completed PhD theses, the majority in the domain of e-Learning, in one of them (with Mihai Dascalu) being developed the ReaderBench environment.
Dr. Mihai Dascalu (h index 12, i10 index 15) was head of class in 2009 (i.e., GPA 10/10; ranked 1st across specialization and university) at UPB and holds a double PhD with the highest distinctions in computer science (Excellent, UPB) and educational sciences (Très Honorable avec Felicitations, University Grenoble Alpes, France), with his thesis published as book in Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence. He has experience in national and international research projects (H2020 RAGE, FP7 LTfLL, FP7 ERRIC and CNCSIS K-TEAMS) with more than 90 published papers, including top computer education conferences (AIED, ITS, CSCL), renowned international conferences (AAAI, ICALT, EC-TEL, ICWL, ISPDC, AIMSA) and journals (ijCSCL, Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior). Currently Mihai is a lecturer at UPB, responsible for the courses of Object Oriented Programming, Semantic Web Applications, and Data Mining and Data Warehousing. Complementary to his competencies in NLP, technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and discourse analysis, Mihai holds a multitude of professional certifications (e.g. PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, CBAP, CEH and CISSP) and extensive experience on strategic projects on non-refundable funds (EU, WB, USTDA). Moreover, Mihai has received the distinction “IN TEMPORE OPPORTUNO” in 2013 as the most promising young researcher in UPB and won a Senior Fulbright scholarship at Arizona State University in 2015.
Chulalongkorn University the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in Thailand was founded, in its present form in 1917 by King Vajiravudh (Rama VI). Today is a comprehensive university offering over 500 programs in almost all areas of education, 87 of which are international. The enrolment is currently of approximately 39,000 students. The university ranks 1st in Thailand, 100th in Asia and 492 in the world according to SCIMAGO Institutions Rankings World Report 2011. It is also within the top 200 in QS rankings (Medicine) 2013/2014.
Established in 1947, the School of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University has become Thailand’s hub for biomedical education and research. With high standard of faculty, scientists and students, the School of Medicine continuously delivers excellent teaching and training programs as well as exceptional services and scientists. It is recognized not only in Thailand but internationally, as well. Each year more than 300 top-scored, high school graduates join the School of Medicine and its seats are among the most desired in the country. With a strong partnership with the Thai Red Cross Society, the outstanding super-tertiary care facility, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, with a capacity of 1,500 beds, the hospital provides medical services for 1,200,000 patients annually, more than 6,700 physicians and 1,500 scientists have graduated from the School of Medicine in the last 60 years.
In recent years, the school of medicine has established a new undergraduate curriculum that emphasizes an outcome-based, integrated and personalized education. Over 600 residents, 100 fellows, and 200 scientists complete training annually. The school provides thirteen PhD and MSc programs, twenty-eight higher graduate diploma programs and fifteen graduate certificate programs.
Every year, the School of Medicine and KCMH enrol approximately 750 residents/fellows in a variety of training programs in numerous disciplines. In addition of the required training curriculum, residents and fellows are required to engage either in basic, translational or clinical research. Upon completion, most of these well-trained specialists return to their respective institutions mainly located in rural/provincial health care centers across the country.
Role in the Project
- To survey and assess Thai HCPs needs concerning education within the field of early nutrition and lifestyle.
- To review and adapt the ENeAGlobal existing modules to specific needs and settings in Thailand.
- To disseminate the educational modules in Thailand.
- To establish and expand ENeASEA community in Thailand and Southeast Asian region.
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Associate Professor Sungkom Jongpiputvanich (Pediatric nutrition) is an Associate Professor in Pediatrics at the Nutrition Division, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. He received his MD from Chulalongkorn University, his Master of Medical Science in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of New Castle, Australia, his Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition from the Medical Council of Thailand. He is a member of several committees, including the Pediatric Nutrition Expert sub-committee of The Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand; the National Essential Drug (Nutrition) Working Group; and the Food Bases Dietary Guideline for Thai Children committee of the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health. Moreover, he holds positions as the President of Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand 2014-2016 and advisory member of the post graduate committee, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University 2008-.
Associate Professor Sirinuch Chomtho (Pediatric nutrition) is currently an Associate Professor in Pediatrics and the Head of Nutrition Division and the Head of Pediatric Nutrition STAR (Special Task Force for Activating Research), Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. She received her medical and pediatric training from Chulalongkorn University. From 2003-2008, she was a research fellow at the MRC Childhood Nutrition Research Center, Institute of Child Health, University College London, UK and received her PhD in 2006. She also received Post-graduate Diploma in Pediatric nutrition from the UK Royal College of Pediatric and Child Health in 2007. Apart from her teaching commitment for medical students, pediatric residents and fellows, her research has focused on the effects of early nutrition on long-term health and she has special interest in infant nutrition and breastfeeding medicine as well as clinical trials regarding nutritional intervention in pediatric population. She is currently a scientific committee in the Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand and a member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, USA.
Associate Professor Unnop Jaisamrarn (International affairs) is the Associate Dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. He serves as Associate Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and as Head of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Unit. Moreover, he is the Chairman of the Clinical Trial Center of and he has also belonged to the Ethics Committee since 1997. Currently, he serves on the board of various professional societies. Since 1998 he is the Secretary General of the Thai Menopause Society. He is also the Secretary General of the Thai Osteoporosis Foundation since 2012. He has been working for The Royal Thai College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists since 1997. He is now the Chairman of International Relations Subcommittee of the College. He is the Secretary of Forum for WHO Multicenter Research in Reproductive Health and the Secretary General of WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction, Chulalongkorn University.
Dr. Chonnikant Visuthranukul (Pediatric Nutrition) is a lecturer and researcher at the Nutrition Division, Department of Pediatrics, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. She graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and subsequently received the Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition. In addition, she recently received the Certificate in Post-doctoral Research Fellowship of Pediatric Nutrition and Intestinal Microbiome from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA in 2016. In addition to teaching responsibility, she also provides medical service for patients with nutrition-related problems. Her research interests involve infant nutrition, especially breast milk, childhood obesity, and intestinal microbiome as well as metabolomics.
Dr. Orapa Suteerojntakool (Pediatric nutrition) is the lecturer at Division of Ambulatory & Emergency & Social Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. She received her M.D. (first class honors) from the faculty of medicine, Chulalongkorn university and received the Diploma of the Thai board of Pediatrics and Diploma of Thai subspecialty board of Pediatric Nutrition in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Currently, Dr. Orapa is responsible for teaching topics related pediatric nutrition as well as ambulatory, emergency and social pediatrics to medical students, pediatric residents and post-graduated students. Her particular research interest is in public health nutrition, including micronutrient deficiency, infant and young child feeding and obesity.
Dr. Jaraspong Uaariyapanichkul (Pediatric nutrition) is an attending physician and researcher at the Nutrition Division, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. He graduated in Medicine (first class honors) from the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and subsequently received the Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition in 2015 and 2017, accordingly. He is responsible for providing medical services for patients with nutrition-related problems and supporting early life nutrition regarding breastfeeding problems. His research interest in pediatric nutrition involves amino acids in health and disease as well as childhood obesity.
Assistant Professor Pokrath Hansasuta (IT and Education Innovations) is the Head, Division of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and assistant Dean for IT Affairs and Education Innovations.
Ms. Naiyana Nujankaew is currently the head of the e-Learning Unit, Division of Education Innovations and IT, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. Her expertise involves the functional design and e-lessons preparation as well as supervision of the electronic teaching system for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has received her master degree in Audiovisual Education from the Department of Audiovisual Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University.
Ms. Janya Suhkapan is currently an education service officer in the e-Learning Unit, Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University. She graduated her Bacherlor’s degree in General Management Majoring in computers from Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.
Ms. Naipapohn Chuenmeechow is currently a research assistant in Nutrition Division, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. She graduated her Bacherlor’s degree from the Major of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Faculty of Allied health science, Chulalongkorn University. Her research interest is nutritional development in pediatrics.
The Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University is one of the 3rd highest ranked medical schools in Thailand. Since establishment in 1964, Ramathibodi Medical School has been recognized as leading medical center in an advance and modernized medical education, research and management in every time era. We are one of the major contributors to provide medical recommendations and solutions for the country’s public health issues. With all medical subspecialties, Ramathibodi has 727 full-time faculty staffs who contribute their time to cover “medical” service, teaching and advance research over complex medical centers and upcoming satellite campus. The overall medical personnel and supporting staffs comprised more than 10,000 employees. With various under- graduation and post- graduation programs, we provide 4 major bachelor degrees for Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and 3 others for related medical science. Ramathibodi has numerous post-graduate medical training for the residency programs and fellowship programs for almost all the medical specialty available in Thailand.
With the current administration (under the Dean, Prof. Piyamitr Sritara, M.D.) our mission is to become one of the leading world-class medical school in Thailand with the international medical standard of care, medical education and medical research.
We are committed to work together with our international medical partners and colleagues to strengthen the transnational connection and collaboration toward the advance, practical and affordable global health. In the advance of the electronics and telecommunication, we are developing the E-learning program to provide medical education for outreach medical personnel all over the country. This E-MED will allow all medical personnel to select their topics of interest and study at their convenient time and locations which eventually will promote the medical knowledge sharing and improvement of medical care toward the people in the society. With the aim to be a "Global Open Access Learning-University", Mahidol University has recently initiated MahidolX Project. The project endeavours to develop the university's MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Platform and MOOC courses.
Role of the Project
- Analyze the situation and assess the needs for Thai gynecologists, obstetricians and pediatricians
- Adapt existing contents of the e- learning modules to Thai healthcare professionals' needs and (clinical) practice, writing of new e-learning modules
- Support to achieve the implementation of adapted versions of the e-learning modules of ENeASEA into the medical education and CME /CPD training at universities and hospitals
- Support to achieve the establishment of a strategic partnership which fosters capacity building (staff, work force) to reduce current deficiencies in early nutrition specifically found in Thailand
- Support to achieve the integration of ENeASEA in the Thai medical education and CME / CPD systems as the basis for the establishment of cooperative distance learning programs offered in additional scientific fields
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Associate Prof. Umaporn Suthutvoravut (Pediatric Nutrition) is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. She received her M.D. (Honors) from the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University in 1976. She received the Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition and also completed a Research Fellowship in the Combined Program in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA. She teaches pediatric nutrition to medical students, pediatric residents, fellows, dietitians, nurses, and graduate students (M.S. And Ph.D. programs in dietetics and nutrition).
Assoc. Prof. Suthutvoravut served as the President of the Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand (2008-2010) and President of the Nutrition Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (2012-2016). She has chaired the Technical Working Group on Development of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for Thai Infants and Young Children. She is currently the Chair of Expert Committee of Pediatric Nutrition, Chair of Committee of Fellowship Training in Pediatric Nutrition, Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand, Chair of Subcommittee of Nutrition and Nutrition & Health Claim, Thai FDA and the Honorary Advisor of the Nutrition Association of Thailand.
She has been the editor of numerous textbooks in Thai language and author of scientific papers published in international journals.
Associate Prof. Nalinee Chongviriyaphan (Pediatric Nutrition) is currently the head of Division of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. She received her M.D., Diploma of Thai Board of Pediatrics, and Diploma of Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition. She got her Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, USA.
She has been teaching medical students, pediatric residents, fellows in pediatric nutrition, graduate students in nutrition and dietetic programs, and nurses. She has served in several committees including Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand, Society of Parenteral and Enteral of Thailand, and Nutrition Association of Thailand.
Assistant Prof. Oraporn Dumrongwongsiri (Pediatric Nutrition) is the lecturer at Division of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. She graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. She received the Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition. She is responsible for teaching topics related to pediatric nutrition to medical students, pediatric residents, post-graduate students in dietetics and nutrition science programs. She also provides medical service for patients with nutrition-related problems. Research interest is nutrition in infants and young children, micronutrients especially zinc and iron.
Associate Prof. Chutiporn Anutariya (Education) is presently an Assistant to the Vice President for Education at Mahidol University, Thailand. Her role involves planning, directing and promoting the adoption of effective learning methodologies and innovative educational technologies in the university. In addition, as an active member of Thailand Open Government Data Working Committee under Electronic Government Agency (Public Organization), Dr. Chutiporn has been working on a number of knowledge-transfer projects in order to promote the publishing of open (government) data and to foster the development of open data applications in Thailand.
Dr. Chutiporn received her Bachelor of Science in Statistics (concentration in Information Technology for Business) with first class honors and a gold medal award from Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 1996. She obtained her Master of Science and Doctor of Technical Science in Computer Science from School of Advanced Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 1998 and 2001, respectively. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Telematics, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway in 2002-2003. She was an active faculty member of the Computer Science Program, Shinawatra University during 2003-2014. She has been promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor and Research Associate Professor of Computer Science since 2005 and 2010, respectively.
Her research interests lie in the fields of database and information management, knowledge representation, Web technologies, and education technologies. Within these fields her current research projects investigate the effectiveness of learning models and technologies as well as the development and application of ontologies, Semantic Web and linked open (government) data. In recognition of her active works and research, her doctoral thesis won the Dissertation Award from the National Research Council of Thailand in 2003; then, in 2005 and 2007, she was awarded the Best Research Gold Medal Award from Shinawatra University. Apart from her academic and research experience, Dr. Chutiporn has actively participated in a variety of ICT projects for various firms, government offices, national and international organizations, such as the Excise Department of Thailand, the Revenue Department of Thailand, Mekong Institute, Ramathibodi Hospital, and Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research. Her involvements in the projects range from Project Consultant, Project Manager, Team Leader to Software Developer, Analyst and Designer.
Prof. Sirintara Singhara Na Ayudhya (International Relations) is the Deputy Dean for International Relations, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. She received her M.D. (Honors) from Mahidol University, Certified Board in Radiology (Thai Medical Council) and Certificate in Interventional Neuroradiology, Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Sud University, France. She has been the Professor of Radiology (Interventional Neuroradiology) since 2014.
She served as the Vice President of Royal College of Radiologists of Thailand during 2011-2013. She is currently the President of National Board of fellowship in Interventional Neuroradiology, Thai Medical Council and the President of World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology.
The University of Malaya started as a medical school. It was established on 8th October 1949 in Singapore with the merger of the King Edward VII College of Medicine (founded in 1905) and Raffles College (founded in 1928). Currently, more than 15.000 students are enrolled at the University of Malaya, almost a third of them share an international background. The number of students corresponds to nearly 3.000 academic staff members and more than 3.000 non-academic staff members. The university has been, and remains, at the forefront of landmark scientific and medical discoveries as is evidenced by the numerous awards that have been won both locally and internationally. For example, the work conducted at the Faculty of Medicine was recognised with the Mahathir Science Award 2006 for outstanding contribution to the understanding and treatment of Nipah Encephalitis. This work has also received the 2008 Merdeka Award.
The University of Malaya has well-established units of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Neonatal Medicine. Paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition services have been available in the University of Malaya Medical Centre since the early 1990s and Neonatal Medicine services since the 1980s. There is a strong primary care/family medicine team which is actively involved in the education of primary care physicians and has recently started to conduct online courses. There is also a dedicated centre of Learning and Teaching Innovation within the University of Malaya that monitors e-learning activities. University of Malaya has been using Moodle for its students‘ e-learning. The LMS is rebranded as “Student Powered e-Collaboration Transforming UM (SPECTRUM)”. The usage is across all faculties and programmes.
Role in the Project
- Survey and assess local needs with regards to education in early nutritional issues in collaboration with consortium partners and local organizations (associated partners)
- Adapt existing and generate new modules in collaboration with the other SEA consortium partners, with guidance by EU partners for the use in the local Malaysian and Southeast Asian health care professionals (content-wise, e-learning methodology and instructural design-wise, experiences in the field of MOOCS)
- UM will bring in expertise in paediatric gastroenterology and hepatology, and neonatology
- Embedding into pre-and postgradual qualification programmes, and into institutional nurse education programmes
- Leader of WP6 (Dissemination) for the ENeASEA project and its e-learning modules in Malaysia, Thailand and the Southeast Asian region
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Prof. Christopher Boey Chiong Meng (Paediatric Gastroenterology): After graduating in medicine from the University of London in 1987, Dr. Boey worked in various hospitals in the United Kingdom, specialised in paediatrics in UK and then did further subspecialisation in paediatric gastroenterology in Sydney and Brisbane, Australia.
He was appointed a lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya on March 16th, 1992. In addition to providing service and teaching in general paediatrics at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, he also started the Unit of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition in the Paediatric Department in January, 1993. Professor Boey has been involved as a speaker in courses on paediatrics and paediatric gastroenterology for undergraduates as well as post-graduate students, both in Malaysia and in other Asian countries such as Singapore, the Philippines and Japan.
Professor Boey served as a committee member in the Malaysian Paediatric Association in 1993. In 2000, he served as secretary of the College of Paediatrics, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia and also chaired the subspecialty committee for Paediatric Gastroenterology in the College. Professor Boey is currently the chairman of the Malaysian Ministry of Health Specialty Credentialling Sub-Committee for Paediatric Gastroenterology. In June 2005, he was appointed Vice-President of the Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and served a term as President in August 2008.
Siti Hawa (Paediatric Gastroenterology) graduated in dietetics from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1992. She has served in the University of Malaya Medical Centre as a dietician since 1992 and is currently Head of Dietetics. Her particular area of interest is in paediatric nutrition.
Dr. Yao-Mun Choo (Neonatal Medicine and Nutrition) is a senior lecturer and consultant neonatologist at University Malaya. He has interest in preterm and infant nutrition and has given talks to health professionals on these topics. He is also the chairman and instructor for neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) and is responsible for organising NRP for the training of doctors and nurses in UMMC. His areas of interest are research in neonatal crash cart and resuscitation practices in collaboration with Sydney Royal Women’s Hospital, retinopathy of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neonatal infections and neonatal jaundice. Dr Choo is member of the Cochrane Neonatal Group.
Dr. Azanna Ahmad Kamar (Neonatal Medicine and Nutrition) currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer and Consultant Neonatologist at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. She is a University of Malaya MBBS 1994-1999 graduate and spent her Paediatric training years at Paediatric Institute Hospital Kuala Lumpur before achieving membership of Royal College and Paediatrics and Child Health. As a paediatrics and neonatal registrar in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, she underwent further training at the Coombe Women and Infants’ University Hospital, Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin and the Rotunda Hospital in central Dublin. She was a member of the Irish National Neonatal Transport Programme (NNTP) team, helping to transport sick infants to Ireland’s referral units. Now, as a Consultant Neonatologist and Senior Lecturer in her alma mater, she teaches medical and biomedical engineering students. Her interests are in demographics of infant diseases, infant growth and nutrition, targeted therapeutic interventions, management of neonatal and paediatric ethical dilemmas, and the amalgamation of technology in neonatology. She is a certificate student in Paediatric Bioethics at Children’s Mercy, Kansas City, USA. She is also the current President Elect of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia.
Dr. Chirk-Jenn Ng (Primary Care/ Family Medicine/Online Courses) is a Professor of Primary Care in the Department of Primary Care Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He teaches medical students, trains doctors to be Family Physicians, and supervises Masters and PhD students. He has keen interest in using modern technology to facilitate learning, including developing and conducting e-learning modules and massive open online courses. He is practising as a Family Physician at the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) and is actively involved in medical research. His research interests are in shared decision making, evidence-based medicine and men’s health. He is also the Editor in Chief of the Malaysian Family Physician and the Deputy Chair of the UMMC Medical Ethics Committee.
Dr. Yew-Kong Lee (Primary Care/ Family Medicine/Online Courses) is currently senior lecturer at the Department Of Primary Care Medicine, University Of Malaya. He received training in massive open online course (MOOC) instructional design and development at the “Master Trainer Workshop for MOOCs” organized by the Ministry of Higher Education in 2015 and was involved in developing e-learning lectures for an online research methods course. His research interests involve the influence of values on health decisions; strategies to promote collaborative, patient-centered care in low resource settings; and developing aids and tools to support shared decision making for various preference-sensitive health conditions. He has won numerous local and international research awards and travel scholarships, including the 2012 International Travel Award from the Society of Medical Decision Making and the inaugural 2014 Minister of Health Research and Innovation Grand Prize at the PHAMA Awards.
Dr Zahiruddin Fitri Abu Hassan (Learning and Teaching Innovation) is a lecturer at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He is Head of Learning and Teaching Innovation in Universiti Malaya. At the same time, he also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Building Surveying at the Faculty of Built Environment. Prior to teaching, he worked in a quantity surveying firm, for 5 years after obtaining his Bachelor's Degree (Hon) in Building Surveying from University of Malaya. In 2006, he won a scholarship to pursue a master's degree which he obtained from the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK He obtained his PhD in 2012.
Established in 1970, UKM, which started with only three faculties, has grown to 13 faculties, 13 research institutes of excellence and two commercial entities. Aware of changes taking place in the academic landscape, UKM has taken steps to address them. One is through e-Learning to prepare students through innovative teaching and forward-looking curriculum to meet demands of new economic needs. UKM was appointed as one of 4 research universities of Malaysia in 2006. It is home to slightly more than 2000 academicians and 7000 supporting staff. The University has about 25,000 students (15,000 undergraduate and 10,000 postgraduate students, including around 3,000 international students from 57 countries). The university offers 75 undergraduate and 264 postgraduate programmes.
The Faculty of Medicine was established in 1972. In 1997, Hospital UKM (HUKM) was developed as a teaching hospital for students. The faculty has both undergraduate and postgraduate medical programmes and works closely with other faculties such as Dental, Pharmacy and Allied Health. The Department of Paediatrics is one of 15 departments in the medical faculty. The staff strength of the department includes 24 academic staff. Annually, the department is involved in the teaching of about 400 medical undergraduates and supervise the training of about 30 postgraduates. The department has an endocrine unit that is involved with the management of childhood obesity. It has also a child development centre that runs a multidisciplinary feeding clinic for children with feeding difficulties. Childhood nutrition is one of the topics emphasised at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Role in the Project
- Provision of expertise for the preparation of the e-learning modules either through adaptation of existing modules or through the development of new modules
- Specific expertise to be brought in: nutrition in the paediatric intensive care and feeding difficulties / disorders
- The university will also provide its expertise in using e-learning technologies for teaching and learning in the pre-gradual field
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Swee Fong Tang: After graduating in medicine from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1987, Dr Tang completed her Masters of Medicine (Paediatrics) and also became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK). She continued her subspecialistion in paediatric intensive care in Sydney, Australia.
She was appointed a lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1998 and started the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre where she now works as Head and Senior Consultant.
Dr Tang has been invited as a speaker in conferences both in Malaysia as well as overseas on paediatrics and paediatric intensive care including on topics such as nutrition for the critically ill child. She has been advisor on a project on Infant Feeding and Nutritional Status in Hulu Langat, Selangor and was co-supervisor to a project on predictors of breastfeeding duration up to 2 months post-delivery. She is currently co-supervising a project on feeding difficulties and feeding issues in the paediatric intensive care unit. She has also been involved in the dissemination of e-learning modules on obesity and developmental paediatrics. Dr Tang has attended a course and received certification on the identification & management of feeding difficulties (IMFeD) in children.
Dr Tang is currently the secretary of the Malaysian Paediatric Association and the Asean Pediatric Federation. She is also a member of the Board of Directors for the World Federation of Paediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Prof. Dr. Fook Choe Cheah is Professor of Paediatric Neonatology and Senior Consultant Neonatologist at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was the former Director of NICU for 5 years and has been staff neonatologist at UKM for the past 15 years. Dr. Cheah is the Chief author and Editor – Feeding the Preterm Infant – A Practical Handbook, in press – publication expected in April-June, 2016.
Dr. Cheah is the Principal Investigator, Malaysian centre – Singapore-Malaysia collaboration on “Retrospective Multi-centre Study of Growth and Nutritional Intake of Preterm Infants <32 Weeks during hospitalization and up to 6 months follow-up. He is currently the primary supervisor for a PhD candidate, Shirley Seah (commencing Feb, 2016) on the topic of ‘Factors impacting on nutrition and growth of the preterm infant in the NICU’
Dr. Joyce Soo Synn Hong completed her postgraduate training in paediatrics in 2013. She is currently a paediatrician and lecturer at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. Dr Joyce is currently in her second year of fellowship training in Paediatric Endocrinology, which includes running the diabetes and obesity clinics. Her interests are in neonatal endocrinology, particularly in growth and risks of obesity. She is a certified Pediatric Advance Life Support instructor. She is also a member of the Endocrine Society, Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society, and Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Embi is the Director for Teaching and Learning Technologies at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia with comprehensive expertise and consultative work :
- Design & Development of the CaseMix Online for United Nations University –International Institute of Global Health (UNUIIGH)
- Design & Development of VirTEC (Virtual Teacher Education Centre) under the UNESCO Participation Programme
- Design & Development of ToT Modules (Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Level) on e-Learning for the Higher Education Leadership Academy, Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education
- Design & Development of ToT Modules (Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Level) on Interactive Lecture for the Higher Education Leadership Academy, Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education
- Project Leader, Development of the e-Learning Guidelines for the Malaysian HEIs, Malaysian Ministry of Higher Edcucation
- Project Leader, Development of the National e-Learning Policy 2.0, Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education
- Project Leader, Development of the Guidelines for MOOC Credit Transfer, Malaysian Qualification Agency
- Conducted more than 150 Specialized Training Workhops on e-Learning, e-Content Development, MOOC & Innovative Pedagogies (eg UNUIIGH, King Suadi University, Sunway University, SEGI University, USCI, International Medical University, MMU, UniKL, UPM, UM, UUM, UMK, UMT, UniSZA, IIUM, UPSI, USM, UTM, UTHM, UNIMAS, MOE, AKEPT etc.)
Prof. Dr. Bee Koon Poh is a Professor of Nutrition at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In her role as Head of Nutritional Sciences Programme, she has led the review of the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nutritional Sciences) curriculum in year 2012-2013, and the review and re-branding exercise of the Masters in Community Nutrition to Masters in Public Health Nutrition in 2014-2015.
Among other subjects, she teaches the Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition modules to Nutrition and Dietetics students as well as the Early Childhood Nutrition module to 4th year Medical students.
Her main research area is on childhood and adolescent nutrition. Prof Poh is the Principal Investigator for the South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (SEANUTS) in Malaysia from 2009 to date. She is a member of the Task Force to develop the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents (Ministry of Health 2013). She has also worked as Panel member in various Working Committees including the Malaysian Paediatric Association’s Positive Parenting educational programme, and the Nutrition Society of Malaysia’s Mother’s Smart Choice educational booklets on early childhood nutrition. She also served on the Editorial Panel of “The Total Child: The parent’s guide to child health and nutrition”. Prof Poh is a Life member of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia and was awarded a Fellowship in year 2008.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Mohd Tamil is currently an Associate Professor and educator at the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia (UKM). He holds a Master in Public Health from UKM. He has worked as a State Health Officer in Charge of AIDS/STD, actively involved in educating the public and high risk groups plus producing a prolific amount of videos and an interactive multimedia kiosk on AIDS/HIV. He subsequently ventured into the education and training industry. He is currently a faculty member in the Department of Community Health at the Faculty of Medicine, UKM, and has been teaching epidemiology and medical statistics for the last 22 years. Dr Azmi actively conducts learning events in instructional technology & strategies in PPUKM and other health-related organisations. He was the faculty e-Learning Facilitator from 2010 till 2018. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Center for Teaching and Learning Technologies at UKM since 2017.
Dr. Helmi Norman is currently a Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Department of Teaching and Learning Innovations, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and serves as the Assistant Dean of Teaching and Citra for the faculty. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Center for Teaching and Learning Technologies at UKM. His research interests are in the areas of teaching and learning innovations as well as open and distance education. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Faculty of Engineering, IIUM and Masters of Software Engineering from University of Malaya. He was awarded his PhD of Information Technology & Resource from the Education Faculty, UKM in 2014. He was appointed as a visiting scholar at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, University of California San Diego, USA, in 2014. In late 2014, he was awarded a visiting post-doctoral fellowship by Erasmus Mundus at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University (BU), United Kingdom. During his PhD, he was awarded the Global Student Mobility Partnership Program for a research attachment at the e-Learning Lab, Center for Driven Innovation, Learning and Design (eLL), Aalborg University, Denmark in 2011. He is currently affiliated with the International Association for Blended Learningwhere he is a Member-at-Large on the board of the directors. Dr. Norman is currently involved in cross-continental projects such as the Australia’s Innovation Research University (IRU) – Malaysia Research UniversityNetwork (MRUN) on learning spaces as well as national research projects such as the Massive Open Online Course for Malaysian public universities and university level projects such as the iTunesU content development for UKM. He is also an educational technology consultant for Apple.
Established in 1985, the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) is a non-profit professional organisation that facilitates networking among its 500 professional members, organises annual scientific conferences and scientific update sessions, and publishes a peer-reviewed scientific journal. NSM has also conducted several major child, family and women’s nutrition education programmes.
Our vision: To improve Lives through Nutrition
As a professional organisation, we are guided by a simple belief – the more people understand food and nutrition, the better they can care for their health and well-being. For that reason, we support the advancement of research, sharing practical insights and important discoveries for the benefits for all.
We also support the Government’s efforts in promoting healthy nutrition in the society to combat nutrient deficiencies as well as diet-related chronic diseases in the country (e.g. obesity, diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease). In caring for the community, we continuously disseminate practical nutrition information to the young and old alike, guiding them to discover the benefits of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Our activities are :
Promoting nutrition science :
- Conduct Annual scientific conferences
- Conduct scientific update sessions
- Publish Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, a peer-reviewed scientific journal
- Publish Berita NSM, newsletter for members
- Support government ministries and agencies, especially Ministry of Health, in the development of nutritional guidelines, national nutrition policy and action plans and food regulations
- Conduct research on specific topics
Promoting community nutrition:
- Published a number of educational leaflets and booklets and three series of healthy recipe books (Resipi Sihat vol 1 and 2; Nutritionist’s Choice Cookbook vol 1 and 2); Junior Chef Cookbook vol 1
- Conduct nutrition promotion programmes for specific target groups, especially for infants and children (eg Mi-Care, MyNutriBaby, Healthy Kids, Positive Parenting)
- Conduct an annual nation-wide nutrition promotion programme, termed Nutrition Month Malaysia, in collaboration with Malaysian for the Study of Obesity (MASO) and Malaysian Dietitians’ Association (MDA) and supported by Ministry of Health Malaysia
Role in the Project
- Contribution as experts to e-learning module content development and review, curriculum development and participation in ENeASEA meetings and conferences.
- Support the dissemination and networking activities of ENeASEA in the Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region in order to increase the outreach and visibility of the project.
- Help developing plans for sustainability and exploitation measures during the lifetime and beyond the project´s duration.
Principal Investigator
E-Siong Tee PhD, is the President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) since 1996. He has led the implementation of various community promotion programmes. He is also Chair of the National Steering Committee for Nutrition Month Malaysia since 2002. He represents NSM in several Technical Working Groups in the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), including the National Coordinating Committee for Food and Nutrition (NCCFN) and the Technical Working Group for Nutritional Guidelines. He is a member of several sub-committees related to food regulations and Codex Alimentarius in the Food Safety and Quality Division of MOH. Dr Tee is nutrition consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy. He is also a member of the Board of Scientific Directors of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) (Southeast Asia Region) and is Coordinator for ILSI Malaysia Country Committee.
He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network and was elected the Founding Chairman in the inaugural meeting of the Network on 2 June 2014.
Dr Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years.
The Nutrition Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (NAT) was established and registered in June 1965. The mission of NAT is to promote the development, distribution, and sharing of food and nutrition knowledge through various activities and social media. NAT has collaborated with the Thai government, academia, community, and private sector to promote good heath through nutrition education and implementation. Currently, NAT has approximately 1,300 members including nutritionists, dietitians, doctors, nurses, and health personnel. The NAT website is a channel for communication with its members and provides a means for the public to obtain proper nutrition information. The NAT Journal of Nutrition is a Thai Journal with peer review published mainly in Thai language, with an English abstract. NAT has coordinated with its network institutions and professional societies in organizing annual conference entitled the “Thailand Congress of Nutrition” (TCN). The general objectives of the TCN are to provide a forum for new scientific evidences and encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences among various stakeholders working in the areas of food and nutrition, to support and promote the academic network and progress in food and nutritional science, and to disseminate knowledge to the public. This congress also provides the opportunity for young nutritionists to present their research works. Each TCN was attended by more than 1,000 participants. NAT also cohosts international nutritional workshop and seminars.
The current activity conducted by NAT relating to maternal and child nutrition is collaboration with the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation on the project entitled “Systematic approaches for optimal growth and development of Thai children”. The objectives include the generation of evidence-based knowledge and innovation for promoting good nutrition for children, developing school-based best practice model, model development for integrating nutrition into health care unit for prevention of childhood obesity, and public awareness campaign and social mobilization on specific nutrition-related health issues.
Role in the Project
- Contribution as experts to e-learning module content development and review, curriculum development and participation in ENeASEA meetings and conferences.
- Support the dissemination and networking activities of ENeASEA in Thailand and the Southeast Asian region in order to increase the outreach and visibility of the project.
- Help developing plans for sustainability and exploitation measures during the lifetime and beyond the project´s duration.
Key Staff Involved In The Project
Emeritus Professor Chulaporn Roongpisuthipong (President) is the President of the Nutrition Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. She is the Emeritus Professor of Mahidol University and the Director of Clinical Nutrition, Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. She received her M.D. from Mahidol University in 1977. She had further training in medicine and received Diplomate of Thai Board of Internal Medicine from the Thai Medical Council. She subsequently entered fellowship training in clinical nutrition at Emory University School of Medicine, USA. She received Diplomate of American Board of Nutrition from American Board of Nutrition in 1988. She was appointed as an instructor in the Department of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University in 1981. She teaches medical students, residents and fellows in clinical nutrition. Professor Roongpisuthipong served as the President of the Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition of Thailand during 2007-2012 and the Editorial Board of Nutrition during 2000-2010. She has been the pioneer of the Thai Board of Clinical Nutrition.
Associate Professor Nalinee Chongviriyaphan (Vice President) is currently the head of Division of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. She received her M.D., Diploma of Thai Board of Pediatrics, and Diploma of Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition. She got her Ph.D. in Human Nutrition from Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, USA.
She has been teaching medical students, pediatric residents, fellows in pediatric nutrition, graduate students in nutrition and dietetic programs, and nurses. She has served in several committees including Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand, Society of Parenteral and Enteral of Thailand, and Nutrition Association of Thailand.
Associate Professor Umaporn Suthutvoravut (Honorary Advisor) is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. She received her M.D. (Honors) from the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University in 1976. She received the Diploma of the Thai Board of Pediatrics and Diploma of the Thai Subspecialty Board of Pediatric Nutrition and also completed a Research Fellowship in the Combined Program in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA. She teaches pediatric nutrition to medical students, pediatric residents, fellows, dietitians, nurses, and graduate students (M.S. And Ph.D. programs in dietetics and nutrition).
Assoc. Prof. Suthutvoravut served as the President of the Society of Pediatric Nutrition of Thailand (2008-2010) and President of the Nutrition Association of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (2012-2016). She has chaired the Technical Working Group on Development of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for Thai Infants and Young Children. She is currently the Chair of Expert Committee of Pediatric Nutrition, Chair of Committee of Fellowship Training in Pediatric Nutrition, Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand, Chair of Subcommittee of Nutrition and Nutrition & Health Claim, Thai FDA and the Honorary Advisor of the Nutrition Association of Thailand. She has been the editor of numerous textbooks in Thai language and author of scientific papers published in international journals.